HOPE for the concerned person

Are you a concerned person? If someone you know is struggling, there are resources available. We are here to help, even if you aren’t looking for our specific program. Maybe you are just looking for someone to talk to — Maybe you are just wanting to hear there is hope — Maybe you need to know who to call or where to go. If so, Valley View Recovery Center can help guide you through whatever process you are experiencing.


A concerned person is anyone who is worried about or affected by another person's use of alcohol or other drugs, whether they are a spouse, significant other, parent, child, employee, or close friend. Valley View Recovery Centers’ Hope Program offers help sessions designed to provide education and options to help yourself and the individual you are concerned about. The Hope Program is offered to individuals on an as-needed basis and is free of charge.

If you or someone you know is in need, contact us today for confidential help.

It’s truly amazing what can be accomplished when a community comes together!