Sober Sundays: 5 Things to do on a Sunday for an Amazing Week

Sundays are one of my favorite days of the week. It’s a day full of gratitude and a day of catch up that includes rest, work, family time, tv shows, and house cleaning. Sunday is a great day for planning and making sure the next week will be your best week. Here are 5 things I do on Sundays to make for an amazing week.


Mindset — Reframe your thinking. Take your Sunday to pause and reflect on what you like and appreciate about your life. Instead of thinking about the negatives, write down three positives about your life, and focus on those. Do this every week and come up with new ones.

Food Prep — Sunday is always a grocery shopping day at our house! And while you're out, run errands—make the most out of it. The more you get done, the less stressed you are for the remainder of the week.

Tidy Up — I like to make sure I’m starting the week with a clean home. I know that when I start getting back into the workweek, I’m not going to want to do any cleaning when I get home. It’s amazing how much less stressed and more productive you feel when your space is clean! When there is clutter sitting around in your line of sight, it is a huge reminder of what you should be doing.

Self-Care — Free up a part of Sunday for self-care and relaxation. Attend a yoga class, read a book, eat healthy, catch up with a friend, take a hot bath, watch Netflix — whatever feels semi-indulgent in a way that still allows you to start the week fresh and prepared.

Set Goals — Stop and reflect on your life, the week that’s just passed — it’s a great time to make sure you are moving forward towards your dreams and ultimate goals in life. We should be taking small steps each day that are aligned with our one big goal or dream. Where are you now? Where do you want to be? And what can you do this coming week to get closer to your dreams?

What’s your go-to Sunday move to make your week amazing?